Posts Tagged ‘rent’
One in three private landlords in Camden could be flouting ‘additional licensing’ rules, report suggests
Data comes as council outlines plans to deliver more affordable and social rent homes in the borough
Read MoreFree primary school meals ‘forever’ is headline policy in Camden’s newly announced ‘cost-of-living budget’
Rent and council tax increases also confirmed
Read More‘I have no more money for you’: Residents split on council plan for rent hike – with some ‘petrified’ of being made homeless
District management committees hit stalemate over proposed seven per cent increase
Read MoreFour landlords behind unsafe home in Kilburn banned from letting out properties in England for five years
Camden has now secured a record seven banning orders against rogue landlords
Read MoreShort-term lets ‘driving up rents’ in Camden – with thousands breaching 90-day limit
Housing director Ryan Makinson says council will ‘take action’ against any rulebreakers
Read MoreHousing chief speaks of ‘resentment’ towards central government over council rents
Cllr Meric Apak warns of potential “race to the bottom” in housing quality caused by rent reductions
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