How to make a complaint about Camden Citizen content
Camden Citizen takes complaints about editorial content seriously.
We are committed to abiding by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) rules and regulations and the Editors’ Code of Practice.
We will seek to resolve substantial complaints from individuals who feel that we have breached editorial standards.
How to complain
Please read the Editors’ Code first to understand whether we can look into your complaint. You can then email us at outlining the following points:
- The article you’re complaining about.
- The date on which it appeared.
- Whether the article appeared in print and / or online.
- The nature of your complaint in no more than 500 words.
- Which part of the Editorial Code it breaches.
We will deal promptly with complaints.
Once full details have been established, we aim to resolve within 28 days any complaint brought under the IPSO Editors’ Code.
If we fail to resolve such a complaint to your satisfaction within this time, you may refer the matter to IPSO.
If we believe that no breach of the Editors’ Code is involved, we will tell you.
What happens to your complaint
Once we’ve received your complaint, you should receive a reply acknowledging receipt.
If your complaint is being taken up, we aim to contact you within 72 hours.
We aim to give a substantive response to your complaint within 28 days of receiving all the necessary information to allow us to investigate.
However, this may take longer in more complex cases where more information is required, or where journalists are away or unreachable.
If we receive multiple complaints about the same issue we may not respond to all.
If we deem there to have been a breach of the Editors’ Code, we will suggest an appropriate remedy.
Corrections and clarifications will appear on the relevant web page and/or in the newspaper.
We will aim to handle your complaint fairly and courteously.
We expect the same behaviour from complainants and reserve the right to decline to consider complaints that are abusive or gratuitously offensive.
If at any stage of your complaint we do not hear back from you within 28 days, we will consider your complaint satisfied and closed.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can contact IPSO directly.